In case you weren't aware of it, today is
National Sorry Day in Australia, created as an annual apology to the Aborigines for royally screwing them over.
This would be a decent sentiment were it not for a half-ass name; it doesn't scream "reconciliation" so much as "whoops". If there's one thing politics have taught us, it's that a good name can make all the difference. Take a cue from America: it's called Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, not The Majority Saw Fit to Dehumanize and Enslave You for Profit for Over 300 Years But Now, Thankfully, Things Are Kinda Different Day.
Sorry? There's not a country in the world that couldn't have a National Sorry Day. You know, for things that I guess we're sorry for, but...I mean...I dunno, whatever. If it makes you happy, then yeah, we're sorry, but I'm playing Halo right now so we can talk later or something. To wit:
United States: National Sorry Day (for American Indians)You get Sorry Day, we get to keep this:
France: National Sorry Day (for tourists)Their plain disregard for tourism is
evidently good for tourism. Sorry Day might calm my disbelief but I'll still never want go back.
Israel: National Sorry Day (for themselves)Palestine: National Sorry Day (for themselves)Japan: National Sorry Day (for forced prostitution)Boy, could they care less.
Let's all get in on the fun - get Sorry!