There's always a flock of evidence that journalists have too much time on their hands like redundant articles, idiotic cliches, blah blah. With the ascendancy of Barack Obama, however, the media's devised a new way of wasting our time: creating nicknames for him.
Obama. This is a relatively short and unique name that nobody can possibly misunderstand. Yet journalists insist on calling him anything except his God-given name, muddying an issue that should be crystal clear.
"Bam"? Do you pronounce this as "bahm" or "bam", like Emeril? To make matters worse, this shortened version of an already short name is favored by the NY Post. This doesn't bother me in and of itself but as they only write headlines in all caps, it makes me think they're using the acronym for the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The day the Post writes about the actual BAM means that a movie about steroids, brave cops, and Howard Stern must be playing there.

also goes by "Barack" or "Obama"
"O"? Gee, that's specific. What's especially confusing is that the Baltimore Orioles are nicknamed "The O's" (fair enough - oriole is a clumsy word). When your headline is "North Korean Nukes: O's Kick in the Teeth", I'm going to think that there's an unexplained connection between a Stalinist regime and the underperforming AL East.
It takes a truly bitter journalist, however, to come up with the best ones, so I'll let you discover those for yourself over on Sean Hannity's website. I can't help but point out that there are a total of 4 votes cast, one of them being for "Quark". Who knew?

our 44th president, to one person
Doesn't the media have anything better to do? I mean, aside from Sean Hannity, who'd be better served licking toilet bowls. I'd rather have 20 stories about the new baby seal at the zoo over presumptuous journalists hoping to spark the next cultural name-wave. Woof.
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