Friday, July 31, 2009

Everything But The Kitchen Link



Classic Post.

Dubai's Twirling Tower - Christian Science Monitor

Worthy for this comment which I, at first, took to be a poem. After thinking it was just another comment, I now think that it is actually a poem:

"Stacey 06.26.08

Frankly, I think it’s ugly,
and bad fung shui to boot!
Millions for an apartment in that?
What a waste of money.
Just another testimony to the grasping emptiness of shallow worldy values.

Commuter Cat is Star of Bus Route - BBC News

Poor Britain. Once the world's greatest power, now its top source for cat-commuting trivia.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

So my office is insanely awkward. Maybe it's just because I'm one of the youngest people here by a long shot...actually, no - people here are just really awkward.

What's worse is that my cubicle is right next to a main walkway and the walls of my cubicle are about 3 feet high, so anyone that walks past will see me.

Do I say hello to all these coworkers? I'd be happy to, but only a handful actually say hello and sometimes these people don't even recognize my presence. This leads to an incredibly awkward and erratic pattern of me saying hello, people not hearing or ignoring me, people saying hello to me while I'm trying to ignore them, thinking they won't say hello, etc., etc.

I've come upon a solution, however: an automated greeting machine, similar to the Halloween decoration we had when I was a kid that made a six second-long "spooky" noise whenever you walked past. Six seconds is way too long for a MIDI-generated ghost noise.

remove the cheer and beating heart and we've got a deal

If someone walks by my desk now, I could dispense with the meaningless formalities and give them an automatic greeting. Settings could be adjusted for different times of the day, different people, or even changes in the weather! People would no longer feel compelled to awkwardly greet me and I would no longer have to put up with having to guess if people don't like me, don't hear me, or just don't care.

Even better, this could make the situation more awkward than it already is. People would then avoid walking past my cubicle altogether and I would never have to worry about someone seeing the 13 sudoku puzzles I do every day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

233 Years of Freedom From This

Leave it to the British: The Lying Down Game. See the Facebook page for more convincing evidence.

It's all the rage over there these days but I feel conflicted. This is fucking retarded. But this is also hilarious.

I've decided that it's probably a good thing since the internet memes of yore, like suicide bombers in Iraq, don't have quite the same impact that they used to. LOLcats? A blessed reprieve from the dark days of 2008, but nothing more at this point.

I will be taking bets on when this will start taking over the American interweb. Over/under is 45 days from now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Important Office Security, Pt. 2

401(k) optional

I've complained about my office internet-blocker before, but today it's provided me with a touch of joy.

If you're interested in global security (*adjusts glasses*), I suggest you check out Jihadica. Informative news and analysis - the kind of the thing that actually qualifies as news.

Anyways, I thought to check out the site today and see what's going on for all those misguided youth out there when, inexplicably, the page was blocked by my office. It gave me this, which I can only assume means we're now using Iraq's internet-blocking service:




Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Like a Fine Wine?

I've discovered that New York has a habit of making up for its sins against you, though in its own New York way. Recent experiences:

I HATE NEW YORK...: While at a treacherous crosswalk by my office, the "walk" sign turns on. Me and some older guy start to walk across when the old guy suddenly holds out his hand to stop me. A ritzy car has pulled out from BEHIND CARS STOPPED AT THE RED LIGHT and proceeded to RUN THE RED LIGHT WHILE TRYING TO KILL ME. I make an ineffective show of exasperation towards the driver.

...BUT I LOVE NEW YORK, I THINK: The old guy flicks off the driver and says in a thick, local accent, "That fucking scumbag. I hope he fucking dies on the way home." The old man may or may not have had a full complement of teeth.

I HATE NEW YORK...: I was walking to an appointment with my landlord the other day when I noticed a bug had landed on my suit. I try brush it off when I discover that it is not a bug but is, instead, bird poop. Bird poop on my suit. I touched bird poop with my hand.

...BUT I LOVE NEW YORK, I THINK: At the appointment, I got to shake my landlord's hand with the hand that touched the bird poop.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Give Me That Old-time Science

At this point, I can speak for all of us when I say that the predictions of science and literature from the past 50 years have let us down tremendously.

Okay, the moon landing worked out alright. But come on, smart-alecky folks at MIT, NASA and Issac Asimov's brain trust - where are all the cool things we were promised? No colonies on Mars, no eradication of disease, and, most importantly, no spaceships capable of light speed captained by William Shatner.

We shouldn't get all chipper about the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing. If people in the 1960s could get to the Moon, why the hell are we languishing here on Earth today? Do you realize this is the same decade that brought us Gumby and Lawrence Welk?? Those people got to the Moon, yet we, 40 years later, cannot even leave Iraq. Slam dunk, 1960s.

I will give us this: we've got the creepy thing down pat. They barely had rock 'n roll back then - today, we have trumpet-playing robots that would weird out even HAL of 2001. But I guess we could always count on the Japanese for that.

oh, how far we've come.

If I could go back in time, I'd have some choice words for the people of 1969: "You better effin' enjoy this, because it's only going downhill from here. The space program may have gotten you to the place of man's dreams, but from here on out it'll only get you an endless orbital program that generates hilarity, pointlessness and diapered pilots. But don't worry, this will cost billions, too."

I'd probably tell them that everything else will be better, though. Especially late-night programming on PBS.

All the same, with the American psyche at a low matched only by the Herbert Hoover years, we could use a jump start. Better to resurrect our crushed dreams than a darn confusin' economy or dismal foreign policy. Afghanistan? Pfft. I don't see Afghanistan on a space map.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two Birds with One Homeless Man

As I was sitting on the subway today for a couple of lunchtime rides, I encountered a homeless man on both ends of the journey. Upon arriving to each station, the man would state with excellent enunciation what subway-line transfers were available. At 34th street, he noted with a musical flourish that a connection was also available for PATH trains to New Jersey.

At a time when the MTA could not be further from the top of the "list of things I'm pleased to pay money for", a new answer dawned on me: why can't the homeless run the MTA?

Points to be made:
- The homeless do not require state-draining pension plans
- They obviously know the city like the back of their unkempt hands
- 24-hour service is no problem
- Homeless people are more likeable than the MTA
- They live in the subway, as it is
- We would all feel less guilty about ignoring them
- Urine smell would be less disconcerting

get off that bench - and into our hearts!

Most importantly, I can never understand a god-damned word over the P.A. system in the subway. This homeless man's voice, and delightfully intoned touch at the end, could not have been clearer. Think about it; all homeless people do is make announcements all day. Why not steer their vocal training away from street corners towards a less annoying and more productive endeavor?

To be honest, I bet an assembly of homeless people could do a better job with the state senate, too, but I'll stick with the subway for now.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Understating Things

From MTV's article on the Hermione girl kissing the Ron kid in the new Harry Potter movie comes a thoughtful comment:

"bamagirl posted on 07.13.09 at 05:15pm

Awesome!! This kiss is so HIGHLY anticipated! Everyone has been waiting on Ron and Hermione to get it together for YEARS! So I can't wait to see it in Deathly Hallows. Apparently it only took them like 6 takes to film it so clearly they did it right. I can't believe HALF BLOOD PRINCE is finally here!! YES!!!l"

And...this is the only comment on the article. "Article", really.

Man Awesomed to Death

Participating in the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain has always sounded pretty retarded to me. Of course, this is the same country that has a village-wide tomato fight so they usually got a pass.

My patience was put to a test recently with the death of a man in this year's running. I suggest you read the article for the important bits like "speared in the lung" and "thrill seekers stay up all night drinking" before running with 1-ton, horned animals.

Surely the Spanish should be judged for this. Hungover while running with bulls? I would probably say this is a no-brainer but then I realized the crucial evidence that convinces me otherwise - dying in this event is a death by goring.

is not so great, akshuly

That has to be the manliest way to go. Shot in a duel? Sounds kinda unnecessary. Drowned by a sea monster? Beowulf didn't - why should you, wuss? But gored to death by a wild animal...this is the essence of the awesome, totally-worth-it death. Millenia may pass but the local registar's office will always have "gored" next to your name in the town death book or whatever.

If only the poor souls who have died most awkwardly (obviously autoerotic asphyxiation) or idiotically could be tagged with a sweet name. O.D. on pills? Nah - dude just got Michael Jacksoned.

But that may not work, either.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anyone Interested?

Then read on, you single dudes out there. You know who you are.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Animals are pretty awesome. Needless to say, though, animals become even more awesome when humans harness their power in numbers. Check it: Hotel for Snakes. I'm not a snake person, but I have to admit that 13 snakes is way better than one snake.

Human mastery of animals is vastly underutilized. Computers? Green technology? These things are not the future. Perhaps it gives me the internet, and thus lolcats, anywhere I damn well please, but I still get mosquito bites. ANIMAL IMPROVEMENT: wear sleeve of small birds that protect my body from flying insects and swoop onto local strays, providing cat-themed entertainment.

what a waste of biomass

Is there nothing squads of trained animals can't do? They say a roomful of monkeys would end up writing Hamlet, but I think we can all agree that they're more likely to write a hilarious bro-comedy starring Jonah Hill and Richard Gere. Though that movie basically writes itself, anyways. Point being, Hamlet sucks and who didn't love Superbad??? Boom. Animals.

Heads up, America. Tough times hard on your wallet? Then quit buying that expensive-brand meat at the grocery store and employ a flock of deadly hawks to hunt down and bring back gobs of delicious wildlife. Hell, you can start selling the leftovers at farmer's markets - city folk love that kinda stuff.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Playin' the Links

More money, more problems.

Moscow ready for better U.S. relation, Medvedev blogs - CNN

I wonder what Obama will blog back.

Also, I love the Barry Egan shade of blue on Medvedev's suit.

Speaking of Barry Egan, turns out the whole thing about Healthy Choice pudding and airline miles is true.


Love this quote, which sounds like the perspective of a 9-year-old who's just discovered Mortal Kombat:

"The perfume panic shows how the once-dingy Meatpacking District has changed. A decade ago, visitors gagged from the puddles of blood and the nauseating smell of rotting meat. It came from the carcasses dangling from hooks in the meatpacking warehouses, most of which have been replaced by designer stores and pricey restaurants."

That'll show 'em.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Creamy Ending

The Iowa State Fair is going to have a statue of Michael Jackson carved in butter. Good, I suppose, but you can do better.

Aside from reading "King of Pop" as "King of Poo" every time I scan the headlines, I'd prefer some other celebrity in butter. I mean, come on, Orson Welles? Margaret Thatcher? So many good choices.

P.S. - There's a picture of a butter-statue Obama out there that shows him as a neo-Nazi of you should check that out.