Friday, September 11, 2009


So I've been following my dreams for a few weeks now, trying to write down what I remember and trying to remember what the hell happened in the first place.

Aside from the obvious bizarro things that everyone gets (rectangular rashes, lost teeth, having a friend's parents party too hard and prevent me from getting to work on time, etc.), I've been shocked by the number of "no shit" and "this is utterly meaningless" visions.

"Mr. Hooper?!"

Yeah, I get it dreambrain - I'm worried about paying those bills on time. And yes, I know, it was sweet to ride go karts. Having an unconscious image of unpaid bills flying around me while I drive a go kart does nothing to change the matter.

The real shocker was a couple weeks ago when I woke myself up with laughter from a joke in a dream.

What was the joke? I have no idea. But I do know the punchline: a thunderously delivered "JULIA CHILDS!!"

I've long considered sleep to be something enjoyed whilst doing it but, for the most part, an extreme annoyance that gets in the way of doing real things like watching TV. With the arrival of this culinary master into my deep subconscious through a farcical form, I can say for sure that my brain is in on the rouse. If only it knew better.

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