Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When I'm 24

I'm not sure when the Alzheimer's is going to set in, but lately I've realized my mental aging process has sped up rapidly.

I used to be able to oversee my capacity for forgetting why I crossed a room. Not anymore. Let me go over the new things that I recently realized bring me happiness:

- Getting excellent creases from dry cleaned pants

- Going to bed at 9:30 on a weeknight

- Sitting

- Eating food that requires little effort to chew (most notably, pudding)

- Walking slowly

- Sitting

I wish I could point to some factor that's increased my senility, but, then again, I don't think I want to. Hell, I love pudding.


  1. I can very rarely remember why I walked into a room from another room, or why I crossed from one side of a room to another. Really, the only times I can remember this information is when I have either food or sitting in mind.

  2. I wouldn't worry about it. As a male, hereditarily speaking all you have to worry about is prostate cancer and insanity, so you're good on the Alzeheimer's. Your sister is screwed.

  3. Thankfully, sitting and leading an inactive lifestyle are the top two ways of avoiding prostate cancer.
