Downturn Puts New Stresses on Libraries
Huh? I'm supposed to care about this? Out of all the problems plaguing our country right now, especially the ones related to this "great recession", you landed on libraries. What, did you run out of articles on organic bed and breakfasts in rural Catalonia?
I'm not always a fan of the Times, but they've crossed a line. Bill O'Reilly's soul must be spinning in the grave of his own flesh.

he may be poor but he's not library-poor
To make matters worse, it's their number one emailed article for the day. Number one. That means that people have approved of this piece as being worthy enough for their friends and family to read. Really, it's them I pity, not the libraries.
But they do grip me with tense, urban drama...
"What began as bickering took a violent turn when one of the [homeless bums] pulled out a knife and stabbed the other six times, leaving him bleeding beside the book drop."
...and a crippling ennui that only a post-post-modern librarian could know:
"'I guess I’m not really used to people with tears in their eyes,' said Rosalie Bork, a reference librarian in Arlington Heights, a well-to-do suburb of Chicago."
And on top of it all, that lovely Jay Gatsby stopped coming by to peruse the self-help section - or maybe those doll librarians! And how!
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