Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Pooper

In case you're wondering what conservatives have been up to these days, take an e-stroll to the land of fair and balanced news to find out: historical re-enactments!

Surprisingly, Fox is the only news source that's treating these Tea-Tax events seriously enough - Glenn Beck is reporting from the Alamo today, BTW - to warrant much coverage. As my legitimacy as a news source is more credible, I have chosen otherwise.

For starters, their HQ website is a little plain for such an exciting event. I feel led to point out, however, that your movement may be in trouble when your top-listed PR weapon is Pajamas TV.

They do give some good tips, like avoiding or uncovering those left-wing nutjobs masquerading as "newsie posers" who want to scuttle your tea party. As they wisely advise, "Beware such chicanery today."

Glenn Beck (2nd from left) prefers one lump, not two

Their homemade protest signs are pretty lackluster, too. Some half-hearted gems: "OUR GOVT OAFS FORGOT THEIR OATHS" and "PARTY LIKE IT'S 1773". If you really want to party like it's 1773, you should ask Bob Dole who, coincidentally, was a government oaf. Checkmate.

Mostly, though, it's perplexing why they would choose now to so vociferously protest taxes. Maybe they're unaware that Americans currently have more positive views about their federal taxes than at almost any time since 1956. Most likely, however, they're probably looking to legitimize teabagging as a social phenomenon. This I do support.

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