Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Presidential Appeal: Our Country's Water

In honor of Presidents Day, I'm going to make short appeals to our current leader all this week. I'm sure he'll be reading, so it's important I let him know what's up.

I have more confidence in Hulk Hogan's fencing skills than I do in the current economic stimulus act. Tim Geithner's ability to actually decrease confidence in an already-floundering financial system makes me think that I could probably improve upon the situation.

State governors have gone on about "shovel-ready" projects. Well, I have one for you, Mr. President. In fact, it doesn't even need a shovel, just a tool kit and some common sense.

Barack Obama - fix the hot water in the office bathrooms.

It's been two and a half weeks since we had running hot water in there. Every time I go to wash my hands, I get a subtle reminder that it's both quicker and easier than I thought to lose all feeling in part of your body. Luke's right hand had it easier in The Empire Strikes Back.

my bailout motto: spats and moustache wax before hot water!

How about some of that stimulus for revamping hot water tanks? Let's take some of that fancy banker-money and stick in places where people can really use it. I even just set you up for a sophomoric one-liner that I'm sure the White House staff will simply adore! Maybe a reporter will capture the moment and win you back some apathetic, snarky voters who quit paying attention to your movement because a new season of Gossip Girl just started.

Politics is all about give-and-take. You give me hot water, I take you seriously.

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