Of course, this is the one case where I'm horribly wrong. Reagan, Fred Thompson, Schwarzenegger, Al Franken (is this still funny?), and now Val Kilmer. Give yourself a pat on the back, American voters. Your judgement has, yet again, proved impeccable.
This begs the question - why don't more celebrities run for public office? Any past foibles that could bring down most political campaigns are futile against a celebrity. Tabloids ensure that we're well aware of the nutty/criminal things they've done, so it's a moot point. What elected celebrity hasn't been a substance abuser at some point?

But I don't think it's necessary for celebs to gun for a high spot in the Senate or the governor's mansion. Why leave it to chance? Someone with name recognition like that can easily snag any other post in the United States government. Val might have trouble becoming governor...but what if he ran for County Comptroller? I'm more sure he could win that post than I am that Bruce Springsteen was drunk at the Super Bowl halftime show. Besides, he'd probably do a better job of auditing than anyone in office right now.
And hey, we could finally give the B-listers the respect they crave. I bet Dom DeLuise could use an ego boost these days. How about the state Supreme Court? Your beguiling charm and hilarious body size is a shoo-in for a win at the polls. No smart-ass "career lawyer" would stand a chance!
odor in the court!
And Jimmy Smits - what the hell happened to him? If he's out there, intently reading this blog like he should, may he leave with this golden nugget: RUN FOR COUNTY SHERIFF. Nothing is a more definite given than him winning that race; who wouldn't vote for him?? Other than Dennis Franz, out of jealousy. Also, this would make a great reality show.
Where have you been? Jimmy Smits was elected to President of the US in 2006 - HELLO? It was a very hard fought campaign against Alan Alda. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_West_Wing_presidential_election,_2006
ReplyDeletebahhh!! west wing is the new reality.