Monday, March 30, 2009


My office has a dodgeball team this spring, which is a good thing, but I needed to sign a waiver on some website to clear me of legal crap.

I go to the website of the organizer, ZogSports, to e-sign said waiver, but I need a password to access my account. I obviously don't know what mine is and I end up wasting 20 minutes of my life trying to erase, create and verify a new password to check off on this waiver.

The only saving grace of this affair is discovering what Zog really means. Other than that, why in God's name am I wasting my time with this password?

Internet passwords are the top evil to have arisen in the computer age. I may have spent more time trying to get the right password to my online bank account than actually using my online bank account.

secret codes: a timeless thorn in the side of mankind

It's all a ruse, anyways. The only thing that dinky passwords protect you from are drunk roommates who hijack your Facebook profile, updating all your interests with a cavalcade of fart-related menagerie. If an actual hacker wants your info, no password's gonna stop them.

It appears that I foolishly forgot the unspoken maxim we all follow to evade this modern-day menace: use the same one/two passwords for all of your online accounts! "Chicken" may not be hack-proof, but it is Alzheimer's-proof, and that's all I ask in accessing my email/brokerage account/subscription to Bang Bus.

An online program I use at work requires me to update my password every 45 days. Here are the cryptic codes I've used, in this order:
- password
- gassword
- assword
- ssword
- sword
- word
- entryword
- enterword
- gettinginword

Wasn't the future supposed to be about retinal scanners and voice recognition software? Nowhere in Blade Runner did Harrison Ford lament his inability to update a Twitter feed because he mistook the correct password for the one on his ancient Geocities account. Obama needs to get on this.


  1. Oh yes the work password. For the last 6 months my work password has been a variation of the word "obvious" because (and it hasn't happened yet) if someone ever asked me what my password was I could say "It's obvious" and they would feel like a real jerk. oh and I also write my current password on a sticky and put it on the wall next to my desk with a heading that says: Password. genius.
