Monday, March 2, 2009

Rock Bottom

Well, it's official now: Madea Goes to Jail beat out the Jonas Brothers' new movie last weekend in box office receipts. Since this hits a new low in our society, I'm curious as to what artificial edifice of our humanity will crumble next. I'd say animal skins would come back in style but the '70s already laid that stinker. Therefore, my money's on eating utensils.

Sandwiches are immensely popular and pies are effin' delicious - both easily eaten by hands, yet clumsily so by knife/fork/spoon. Soup's already in a cup and smoothies/milkshakes round out the desserts. Every culture's best hand food has made its way into the international food realm, beating out other, less convenient, plate-only dishes. Sayanora, bouillabaise.

relic of the past, circa 2023 A.D.

I'm sure Mexico, Germany and France have outstanding cuisine, but all I'm really aware of are tacos, brats and crepes. All delicious hand food, yes, but I wonder if it's the finest they have to offer.

Then again, is that really the case? This might be a good thing, you know. While we're probably skipping a lot of the good stuff from different cultures, we're also passing over some unsavory delights. Britain gives us the delicious, hand-friendly fish and chips, but it also spawned the devil's afterbirth in mushy peas. Keep hope, for this is an item that does not translate well into the non-utensile future and thus seems ripe for extinction.

the future looks delicious from here

Actually, I can't think of a hand food I don't like. And maybe I should go see one of the Madea movies. Time to embrace the future.

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